Friday, June 10, 2011

25 ways to tie a scarf

...Because goodness knows we all need help with this! Scarves are amazing, I love them and I REALLY love finding new ways to tie them, I mean, what better way to give new life to an outfit!


  1. Oh my gosh that is SO amazing! I love how you can get a tutorial at the end by clicking on it! This is right up my alley.

  2. liked the video, too bad its too dang hot in MS to ever wear a scarf.

  3. Glad you guys liked it. Someday I'll be as talented with cameras and computers to do something similar. Cari, have you tried a lighter scarf? Right now places have them in super light fabrics, I wore one in Mexico and was still perfectly comfortable! I'll put up some warm weather scarf ideas!
